this blog is belong to group 9~8(generation.v), Byron, Noor Kalidah and En. Redzuan


WISH ONE~get a higher CGPA point in every sem...^^
WISH TWO~friensdhip forver...
WISH THREE~healthy and wealthy...^^


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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Smile always | 7:59 AM

Living in a multi racial country brings many benefit to us. Besides the multi races, we also have different kinds of customs and culture. Custom is define as a practice followed by people of a particular group or region in a country. As in Malaysia, we have the Malay custom where in the event of marriage they have this ceremony called bertunang. This is a ceremony done before a couple gets married and is done by both the parties in order to let the others know that they are a couple and will be getting married.

There are also a few other custom through out the world wide for example in India. It is known as The Bais Rajput, The Bais Rajput can be found pretty much anywhere in parts of north Pakistan and India including many of the most remote parts of Kashmir. The Bais Rajput are renowned as warriors and the ability to maintain dominion over many of their empires. Their famous reputation was earned by many of their kings and leaders that ruled over northern India for centuries under empires, kingdoms and ownership of mass land amongst the clan. The Bais Rajputs are considered to be Suryavanshi. Which are an ancient Hindu warrior class. Their named ancestor was Gautamiputra Satakarni also known as Shalivahana, the king of Shalikot presently known as Sialkot in Pakistan. Bais Rajput means 'one who occupies the soil meaning owners of mass lands, making them wealthy as well as warriors. The Bais Rajput come under the list of the super Rajput cast. The 'Dhangar' meaning 'who is wealthy'. These Dhangar Rajput Kshatriyas, during times of hardship, migrated from origins in the Indian state of Maharashtra to hills and forests in The Hill States of Punjab and Azad Kashmir.The Bais Rajput have a variety of custom and have a rich culture. Over the years the Bais Rajput have honoured themselves greatly through many weird and unusual customs and parts of their culture. They're very superstitious and many would say that their customs were pointless, however the Bais Rajputs would argue they are symbols of their culture and have derived from Hindu mythology. cobra is their tribal symbol. They eternalize the tradition of a snake origin, and predicate that no snake has or even can destroy one of the clan for the same reason that no Bais Rajput will even kill a cobra. Bais Rajput females can only wear cotton of white and above their feet and ankles their ornaments must be made of gold. The women wear one long cloth, which is fastened round their wastes around the middle, the lower folds covering the lower portions of the person, and the upper parts being thrown over the shoulder. Amongst the Bais Rajput neither man nor woman, rich or poor, will put a hand to cultivation or labour of any sort.The Bais Rajputs divide their inheritance according to a system of heritage by which the three elder sons receive larger shares.The 'Bais' 'Rajput' clan never kill snakes, which they hold in great worship. The Baise believe that no snake has destroyed, or ever can destroy, one of the clan. They seem to take no precautions against snake bite except hanging a vessel of water at the head of the sufferer, with a small tube at the bottom, from which the water is poured on his head for as long as he can bear it. So important is the snake to the Bais that the cobra forms part of the clan's flag.

Smile always | 7:43 AM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thai Wedding Day

In this world, Thai wedding is a unique. Thai wedding day is totally different compared to Malaysia wedding. It used to be more complex with a lots of steps.

In the morning, there will be a Monk Blessing as the Buddhism custom at the house of the bridegroom and bridge. Then, there will be marriage registration. After registration, they are going to have lunch together with family members. In this world, many couples do not hav this part of the Monk Blessing and registration at house. They may go to register at the country office the day before or after the wedding. According to traditional Thai wedding, even if the marriage is not registered, those in the village would still view them as husband and wife. As a Westerner, they would have to register their marriage for legal and visa purposes.

In the afternoon, the wedding must follow the traditional wedding customs. There will be "Feet Washing Ceremony". The husband would stand on a chair while the wife would bow at his feet. She have to wash her husband's feet. This is symbolise her allegiance and respect of her husband. During this time, the dowry is shown to all the guests. This shows that the groom os financially sound to take care of his family. After that, it will be followed by ROD-NAM-SANG (ROD is soak, NAM is water, SANG is conch shell), is the main where both the brige and bridegroom's family get together. In this event, their witness is playing an important role. Both the bridge and bridgeroom have to sit close to each others on the floor and thier hands held in WAI style. (WAI style like the way we pay respect to the Lord Buddha) with a flower chain connects the hands. In this event, the most senior person will act as the leader. The leader will soak the couple's hand in water (holy water) and wish them good luck. The water is contained in a conch shell container. They also hand the couple an envelope filled with money and the couple would reciprocate by handing them a small wedding moments. Besides this, the parents, selected people like close friends and close relatives will be invited to the ROM-NAM-SANG event.

In the night, there will be wedding party. The number of invited guests is around 100-300. It could be aranged in different ways such as Buffet Thai food, Chinese food, Cocktail style or sit down dinner. The couple like to organise the function in the hotel since the facilities are easier to set up.

by Byron Chong

Smile always | 6:51 AM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Welcome to generation_V!!!

Yesterday En.Fakhzan(our DKHP's BBI lecturer) contributed a list of groups to us for oral presentation and the blogging...
Byron Chong, Noor Khalidah and Muhammad Redzuan are the same group...
that's group 8...
Nice to meet you all...
This blog is belong to three of us...
Everyweek have to post 1 article by according to the themes that given by lecturer...
The first theme that we have to post is customs...
Now three of us are collecting the information and point from website for the coming themes...
gambateh generation.v3...^^

by Byron Chong

Smile always | 9:22 AM