this blog is belong to group 9~8(generation.v), Byron, Noor Kalidah and En. Redzuan


WISH ONE~get a higher CGPA point in every sem...^^
WISH TWO~friensdhip forver...
WISH THREE~healthy and wealthy...^^


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Music: ♬ Cannon

Friday, September 11, 2009

An Orang Asli Settlement

The Orang Asli settlement, is situated in Mukim of Endau Pahang. It is situated deep in the forest about 18 miles from the town of Kuala Rompin. It is linked to the main road, by a timber track. The total area of the settlement is 3,000 acres of which about 400 acres have been cleared for house sites, making ladangs and for rubber growing. The whole area and the area surrounding the settlement is undulating and contour is over 100 feet above sea level. There is a network of unused timber timber tracks within the settlement. The settlement is drained by numerous rivers like Sungai Mauk, Sungai Anak Endau, Sungai Geronchong and Sungai Batu Uban.

There are 189 people living in the village and all of them belong to the Jakun tribe. Although they are Jakuns they refer to themselves as Orang Asli. There is a reason for this. The word Orang Asli gives meaning of solidarity of the Jakuns with other aboriginal tribes in the country. They only use the word Jakuns when they want to distinguish themselves from the other tribes.

Before the Orang Asli here came to the notice of the Government, they led a migratory life opening up farms as they moved from one place to another. Tracing the migratory pattern of his ancestors, the wise old man of the village who is also the 'Pawang' said the originally his ancestors lived at the mouth of the river along the coast. The cruel arbitrary rule of the Malay Sultans and later the bad treatment they received from the Bugis forced them to move further and further deep into the jungle. The movement was along the river. He remembered this migration in his childhood days until finally they led a settled life. The movement of the people was along the Anak Endau River.

The circumstances of how the settlement came into being is interesting. In 1964 the Batin i.e the headman along with five families left the kampong and illegally opened up the settlement. According to the Batin, he had appealed the Government a number of times that he and his people be allowed to live elsewhere, preferably on higher ground as his kampong was subjected to flooding. His appeals were turned down. as the floods made living difficult, he decided to open up the kampong with or without the Government's permission. a few months after he and his people had settled down, the Government officer's came to approach him. After several meetings the Government eventually agreed to recognise the kampong as an Orang Asli settlement. He in turn promised that they would no longer lead a migratory life. In 1965, the Batin invited all his other people who were found scattered in various kampong to come to settle in this area.


Smile always | 4:44 AM

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Art Of Music~

Nowadays, whole world are listening to music. We don't care about traditional music or modern music, there are considered as art. As En.Fakzhan said that science stream students don't like art, but everyday we are using the art to do something such as listen to music, how to decorate house when hari raya as well as chinese new year. These are related to art also. As we know, art of music consist of many types such as hip-hop, jazz, pop and so on.

how do the music come from?
what's the history of music?

Music same as TITAS(tamadun), it has its own history also. In music field, history of music called historical musicology. Historical musicology is the highly variety subfield that studies the composition, performance, reception as well as the criticism of music over time. The first who studied music was in 18th century. At that time, there had published 3 volume history of music titled Storia della musica known as history of music. Besides this, there also had published 2 volume hisotry of scary music, titled De canti de musica sacra.

Music is related to someone's life that's why music is developed many styles and genres time by time. Difference types of people listen to difference types of music. For example, some people like to go for clubbing, they like hip-hop songs or pop styles. For who dislike the "noisy" songs, they prefer jazz and romantic's style of songs.

Many students nowadays like to listen to music because music could help them to release tension and stress. While, some of the citizen prefer traditional music because of their interested and the styles of traditional songs are smooth and really help them to release tension.

In addition, music could help us to improve our languange as well. We should always listen to english songs so that we can learn more vocabulary and the structures of sentences. Besides this, music therapy also is a art of music. Music therapy is emerging arena of health care. For example, music is used to heal patients fighting cancer, children with reading or writing problems and others.

Through this passege and the website information given, i realize that there are too many advantages of art of music.

Posted by~byron

Smile always | 10:40 PM

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Media psychology is a study which uses the theories, concepts and methods of psychology to learn more about the impact of the mass media on individuals, groups, and cultures. But, this definition is physically wide to be very useful and not to mention that the dynamic and reciprocal nature of media and people or consumers will be ignored. Specifically, media psychology is concerned with the inter- and intra- personal psychological dimensions underlying the impact and use of any medium of communication, irrespective of the nature of the subject matter being communicated. It is also concerned about the social and psychological parameters of communications between people that are mediated by some technology or conduit other than simply air.
Many specialist in the field of media psychology apply and work at their various skills, training and expertise in a variety of arenas. Not only do they teach courses in the field but also do fact-finding on media issues. Various media organization including movie studios, independent filmmakers, television networks, screenwriters, producers and directors are being advise by the media psychologist on the myriad aspects of human behaviour and how much information might be most accurately portrayed in the media. useful advice to the media organizations however, requires more than a knowledge of psychology, but also the knowledge of how media function as well as the understanding of the media's need to strike a balance between accuracy values and entertaintment purposes will be needed. As the conclusion, media psychology is principally interested in all forms of mediated communications and their related effects on both senders and receivers.

Smile always | 8:11 AM