this blog is belong to group 9~8(generation.v), Byron, Noor Kalidah and En. Redzuan


WISH ONE~get a higher CGPA point in every sem...^^
WISH TWO~friensdhip forver...
WISH THREE~healthy and wealthy...^^


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Music: ♬ Cannon

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Cairo, the largest city in Africa and the Middle East ever since the Mongols wasted Imperial Baghdad in year 1258. Cairo had been acknowledge as Umm Dunya or “Mother of the World” by Arab's medieval and as Great Cairo by nineteenth-century Europeans. Egypt has been the prize for conquerors from Alexander the Great to Rommel, so Cairo has been a fulcrum of power in the Arab world from the Crusades unto the present day.
Egyptians have two names for the city, which is ancient and popular while the other is Islamic and official. The most important is Masr, which means both the capital and the land of Egypt (Egypt City), a city that endlessly renews itself and dominates the nation, an idea rooted in paranoic civilization. 'Masr' refers to a homeland, at which within its borders means the capital, is what the Egyptians abroad define as. Masr is timeless.
Earlier travelers noted that Cairo's air smelt like “hot bric
ks”. The air pollution there is kind of high chiefly caused by traffics. Other than that, extended-family values and neighbourly intervention prevail throughout the baladi quarters or urban villagers at which milions of first and second generation rural migrants live, whilst arcane structures underpin life in Islamic Cairo. That is a bit less I can talk bout Cairo in Egypt.

Smile always | 8:38 AM


Barack Hussien Obama II which is wisely known as Barack Obama was born on the 4th August 1961. He was the 44th and current President of United States. He was the first African American to be the President of United States as well as the first to born in Hawaii. Obama had graduated from Columbia University and Harvard Law School where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. Before he
earned his law degree, he works as a community organizer in Chicago.
In Chicago, Obama worked as a civil rights lawyer and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. he served three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S House of Representatives in 2000, Obama ran for United States Senate in 2004. In march 2004, he won the democratic primary election for the United States Senator from Illinois which brought him to national attention. Obama's prime-time televised keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004 made him a rising star nationally in the Democratic Party. He comfortably won election to the U.S Senate in November 2004. He began his run for the presidency in February 2007. In the 2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries, he won his party's nomination after a close campaign agaist Hillary Clinton. Then, he defeated Republican nominee John McCain in the 2008 general election and was inaugurated as president on 20th January 2009. Obama was awarded the nobel Peace prize on 9th October 2009. till now, he is still the President of United States.

Smile always | 8:36 AM